How GPS Works on the iPhone

Nearly all mobile phones now have an integrated GPS system. We all have a slight idea of how GPS assists us. Going to a gathering or for a job interview or to an auction exhibition and you are not aware of the directions, we turn on the GPS to get guided with the directions instead of bothering anyone by contacting them.

What is GPS?

GPS stands for Global Positioning System. It basically, with the help of satellites, helps you to locate your position. The GPS requires satellites, towers, base-stations and the receiver (mobile phones) to work. The GPS works in a form of radio waves or radio signals.
The towers and base stations have meshed in an array of a network that exchanges the radio signals between each other, in order to assist the GPS. Now, these towers contain cells integrated into them that assist them. The low power transmitters are furnished inside the mobile phones we use. These transmitters allow the communication to happen between the towers and the mobile phone.

How The GPS Works?

As we travel, the connection between the tower cells and mobile phones transmitter is established. As we move farther from the tower, the signals start getting weak and a time comes when the connection is distorted. As soon as this happens, the next tower gets attentive and catches the signal from the mobile transmitter and enables the connection.
That’s why, in the remote areas or the less developed areas, the GPS system is not that efficient and effective. Since the network of towers is not that thick. Hilly or mountainous areas also have an inefficient GPS because the heightened mountains and hills interrupt the signals. And same is the case with being in an elevator or a building with zero signals, the tall buildings are interrupting the signals to reach the transmitters.
Now once the connection between the transmitters and the towers is established, these signals are further sent to the base stations. These stations are linked with the 27 satellites, orbiting our planet, present in the space. The GPS requires three of the satellites to determine your location. The signal transferred from your location is sent to the satellites and three of the nearest satellites are used to depict your location. After all the physics, your location is sent back in the form of signal and the whole process is reversed back.

What Are The Purposes Of GPS?

The GPS can assist us in a couple of ways.
•    Location Tracking Services
•    Turn by Turn Directions.
As its working is discussed above, you will get the idea now how GPS provide the directions to your destination. And it can also assist you in tracking the location you are at. All you need to have is an enable mobile device that has integrated GPS and it is enabled.
GPS is a very useful technology launched back in 1978. It is still a very handy technology for us and its advancements will surely be very valuable for us!


  1. Thanks for sharing this usefull information with us regarding how GPS Works on the iPhone.
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